Here is the latest installment of Reb Yerachmiel's Baltimore community Kollel Rav Pincus Chaburah on Tefillah.
In the latest shiur, he discussed the meaning of "Daiah Binah Ve'Haskail" in the bracha of "Chonain Ha'Daas". Be'ezras Hashem, the shiur will speak (think and feel) for itself...
You can CLICK HERE to listen online or HERE to download.
-Dixie Yid
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Ok. If there's any website out there that holds of hashgacha peratis, it's this one. Therefore I will tell you the following with temimus.
I finished listening to this shiur, which was deep and beautiful, as usual.
I then went outside (tomorrow is garbage pick-up day in Baltimore) and looked up at the cloudy night sky, only to see: pretty much the exact same image that accompanies this shiur: a heart formed by clouds! It lasted for all of 5-10 seconds... oh how I wish I had a camera on me!!! I kid you not. Baruch Hashem.
Wow! Pretty amazing! I forwarded that comment on to Reb Yerachmiel too. Thank you for sharing and listening! Tizku l'mitzvos!
-Dixie Yid
That gave me this chills.
Reminds me of a line by arguably the most famous "Yerachmiel" in the world (Yerachmiel Begun):
"It's min ha'shamayim. Everyone knows. When you search for the signs, how they show."
Thank you, Dixie Yid! Thank you for allowing me to listen and for this wonderful site! Tizku l'mitzvos to you!
Thank you to the other poster as well- I remember that song fondly. I was "searching", actually. And baruch Hashem, it unfolded before my eyes, if only for a few seconds.
anon 11:18:
Thanks very much. But the biggest thanks go to Reb Yerachmiel who is mezakeh us by sharing these shiurim with the rest of us, beyond that chevrah that is zocheh to be at the shiur personally.
-Dixie Yid
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