Check out my answer to the following question posed to me by A Simple Jew.
A Simple Jew asks:
Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin once wrote, "We humans chase over the world to find things: We climb high mountains; we descend to the nethermost depths of the sea; we trek to the wilderness and to the desert. There is one place where we neglect to search - our heart. But it is there we will find Hashem."
Similarly, in an e-mail conversation on the topic of making changes in our lives you wrote, "In my experience, often making big external changes are often just a way of distracting one's self from the point of the inner work…"
Could you elaborate on this point a bit further and describe an experience or experiences that led you to this conclusion?
Dixie Yid Answers:
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of continentalvan.com)
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