Since Shavuos is next Sunday night, Reb Yerachmiel and I wanted to share this shiur that he gave in preperation for Shavuos.
Tikkun Lail Shavuos: Kavod La'Torah: Staying Awake to Learn, and to Daven!
Below is the link to a Pre-Shavuos shiur by Reb Yerachmiel at the Baltimore Community Kollel, in which he addressed the paradoxical yet all too common experience of staying-up all night learning on "Tikkun Lail Shavuos", only to sleep-walk through the davening and krias ha'Torah (of all things) which follow!
Reb Yerachmiel's aitza: a re-orientation to the "Ais Ratzon" of the powerful tefillos of Hotza'as Sefer Torah, and in particular, the mysterious tefillah we say each and every Monday, Thursday, Shabbos and Yom Tov: "Brich Shemay". May this inspiring shiur awaken us to not only learn beautifully on the night of Shavuos, but to keep us awake to daven and lain beautifully as well.
CLICK HERE to download.
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of Artmuz)
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How do I listen to the shiur/ where is the link?
Okay, the link is up now.
-Dixie Yid
Dixie Yid,
Isn't there usually a way to listen to these shiurim on line as well (rather than downloading)? Can you please continue to allow that function? As always, I'm looking forward to listening. Thank you
You still can. Left click to listen right away and right click and select "ssve target as" to save it on your computer, just as always.
-Dixie Yid
Amazing shiur (although I note that I was unable to listen via the left click function).
Dixie Yid,
I too attempted, and it appears that the direct listen is still not working. Thank you
Wait, it's now working, Baruch Hashem.
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