Below is the link to the latest (2-21-10) Video/Audio shiur by
Reb Yerachmiel on Berchas “Modim” in Shemoneh Esrei in which he explains the enigmatic phrase “Hatov Ki Lo Chalu Rachamecha, Ve’Hamerachem, Ki Lo Samu Chasadecha, MayOlam Kivinu Lach” which we daven at least three (3) time each and every day. The p’shat of the “Siach Yitzchok” on these words is a vital piece of knowledge for every davener to learn and internalize.
Torah Anytime Video LinkCLICK HERE to get the shiur by either left clicking to listen right away or right clicking and selecting "Save Target As" to download.
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Thank you for providing this shiur!
tizku lmitzvot!
Shkoach for posting!
Agreed. Todah for providing this link.
I'm told there is a more recent shur given this past Sunday. Any ETA on posting the audio and video please?
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