Exciting New Online Sfas Emes Shiur – Live From Eretz Yisroel! Given by Rabbi Baruch Gartner, Founder and Dean of Yeshivas Derech HaMelech. Learn Sfas Emes in Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel from the comfort of your own home! Starting today, Sunday January 31 @ 10 a.m. NY Time, Rabbi Baruch Gartner, Founder and Dean of Yeshivas Derech HaMelech, will be giving an online shiur on Sfas Emes through the Virtual Yeshiva - http://www.torahchat.com/ .
R' Gartner is the Founder and Dean of Yeshivas Derech Hamelech. Yeshivas Derech Hamelech was created to provide a makom Torah for chassidish English speakers. The Yeshiva came into existence with the help of R' Tzvi Meir Zilberberg, shlita, R' Mottel Zilber shlita, and R' Moshe Weinberger, shlita, whom Rav Gartner has studied under for many years. The shiur will focus on a portion of Sfas Emes for each week’s parsha, using the Hebrew text inside.
R' Gartner will be guiding the virtual talmidim through the sources to give the tools to master the profound ideas expressed by the Sfas Emes, as well as breaking down the barriers to understanding the style of the Sfas Emes - Great emphasis will be placed on grasping the practical advice of each discourse. The shiur will take place this coming Sunday at 10 am NY time, and each Sunday thereafter at the same time. To join the shiur, please go to http://www.torahchat.com/ and register. The instructions are easy and self explanatory.
Go to new user.
Fill in name and email address.
They will send you an email with your password.
Enter your name and password and go into the torah chat room.
If you have any problems or difficulty loading java click the link in the box that says the following:if you are using Window ME or otherwise have difficulty loading JAVA, link):
The shiur will be in the "torah chat" room at 10 am NY Time. There is no fee to join.
HT Zev Polansky for the information on the shiur and for the text I used for this post! Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
R' Gartner is the Founder and Dean of Yeshivas Derech Hamelech. Yeshivas Derech Hamelech was created to provide a makom Torah for chassidish English speakers. The Yeshiva came into existence with the help of R' Tzvi Meir Zilberberg, shlita, R' Mottel Zilber shlita, and R' Moshe Weinberger, shlita, whom Rav Gartner has studied under for many years. The shiur will focus on a portion of Sfas Emes for each week’s parsha, using the Hebrew text inside.
R' Gartner will be guiding the virtual talmidim through the sources to give the tools to master the profound ideas expressed by the Sfas Emes, as well as breaking down the barriers to understanding the style of the Sfas Emes - Great emphasis will be placed on grasping the practical advice of each discourse. The shiur will take place this coming Sunday at 10 am NY time, and each Sunday thereafter at the same time. To join the shiur, please go to http://www.torahchat.com/ and register. The instructions are easy and self explanatory.
Go to new user.
Fill in name and email address.
They will send you an email with your password.
Enter your name and password and go into the torah chat room.
If you have any problems or difficulty loading java click the link in the box that says the following:if you are using Window ME or otherwise have difficulty loading JAVA, link):
The shiur will be in the "torah chat" room at 10 am NY Time. There is no fee to join.
HT Zev Polansky for the information on the shiur and for the text I used for this post! Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
will it be posted anywhere thereafter?
Till Feb. 5th, you can get it here: http://www.transferbigfiles.com/Get.aspx?id=7fbc2406-7bfe-4957-9875-5e5ad5a7d4d7
Thank you R' Gartner!
Thanks Alot
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