On Lag B'Omer, at a private "hadlaka," my Rebbe spoke about this topic. It wasn't said over a public drasha for public consumption, but for his "chassidim," he said to just get rid of our Blackberries if at all possible. I don't know about other people, but one friend of mine who's a successful entrepreneur, actually did it! He got rid of it a short time later and he's now doing just fine and is still very successful.
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Are you planning on getting rid of yours?
Great question. But I don't have a Blackberry (or an iPhone, Droid, etc. etc. etc.).
Where have you been ASJ?no more blog?
Anonymous: I am working on a book.
Is it that simple to just just cut off the berry or apple from the tree without getting into the root of the problem?
Good point, but who said it was?
Sometimes we discuss a klal and sometimes we discuss a prat. Here, we're discussing a prat.
The message I took from the post is that the guy feels a sense of guilt that he is paying attention to these not so good vibrations during davening. The voices in my head do lots of talking during prayer but the blackberry becomes the scapegoat. The conclusion I drew is that this evil device is taking me away from my father.
I'm not such a shtarker yid that I should brag on myself at ALL, but I do try to turn my phone off while I'm davening, especially if my kids are with me. Now that Mrs Sneakz is expecting, though, I do really need to keep it on.
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