I think that every Jew should listen to this short shmooze by Rav Avraham Schorr on the killing of the yeshiva bochurim at Yeshiva Merkaz Harav. Listening to a true Ohev Yisroel's reaction to what happened is heartbreaking and shows just how small my problem is with regard to the issue of truly being part of the Jewish people in mind and heart.
Update 3/25/08: It appears that I will not be able to re-post this shiur. I appologize to those of you who did not yet get to hear it. However, an anonymous commenter has been kind enough to post a summary of some of the main points of the shiur. Here is that summary:
A brief Shiur on the significance of this tragic event -- the murder of eight young men while they were learning Torah in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim -- was given by the distinguished Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Avraham Schorr SHLIT"A a few hours after it occurred, on Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni. The following is my recollection of this outstanding Shiur:
1. As we have learned, "MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah." The timing of this tragedy -- Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar II -- indicates that the Ribono Shel Olam intended to disturb our Simchah with an urgent message. What what He telling us?
2. The Gemorah in Maseches Taanis (29a) states: "KeSheim MiSheNichnas Av MeMaatim BeSimchah, Kach MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah." To the well-know question -- What is the connection between the two? -- the Sfas Emes ZT"L answered: The Ribono Shel Olam expects us to mourn the loss of the Batei HaMikdash. Our reward for doing so is Simchah in the month of Adar. According to Rav Shorr SHLIT"A, the fact that the Ribono Shel Olam disrupted our Simchah this Adar indicates that is He is unhappy with our mourning and concern for the Churban Batei HaMikdash. It is call for us to repent and mend our ways!
3. Why is our era known as "Ikvisa DiMashicha" (the heels of Mashiach)? The Rosh Yeshiva quoted his father, HaRav Gedaliah Schorr ZT"L, as saying that the heels are the only part of our body where one can cut with a knife and the victim may not feel it. Unfortunately, we have become so callous that we do not sense the imminence of Mashiach!
It is the fervent hope of the Rosh Yeshiva SHLIT"A that we will mend our ways through genuine Tshuvah and thus hasten the Geulah Shleimah, BB"A.
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of Artutz Sheva)
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Wow is right! That sure was powerful.
Talk about having what's inside match what's outside. Wow! Good for him for being so brave.
Thank you for posting this. If the quote by the Sfas Emes wasn't enough, the last 5 minutes blew me away!
Yasherkoach! That was powerful and moving! We should be zoche to see and hear only yeshuos and nechamos!
What was the quote from the Sfas Emes? I heard the shiur but don't remember that part.
I personally spoke to Rabbi Schor who expressed dissapointment that his shiur was put on the internet without his permission. The person who did should be aware of his hakpada. His shiurim on cd and tape are available for sale at his Bais Medrash
Can you please e-mail me his phone number ASAP (dixieyid(at)gmail.com) so I can confirm this with him and ask him exactly how people can purchase tapes or CDs of the shiur.
You should know that over 1000 people have gotten chizuk and taken mussar from this schmuez and it has been mezakeh es harabim.
You should also know that I attempted to confirm through the people from whom I got the shiur whether or not there would be any problem with sharing it publicly.
Please get back to me (dixieyid(at)gmail.com) ASAP so I can confirm what you've said and if it is confirmed, I will take it down immedidietly.
-Dixie YId
Simon and others,
See the main post above for my update on this issue. The shiur might be up again next week.
-Dixie Yid
I know that There was a Kinus Hisorirus tonight (Erev Taanis Esther) in Flatbush, given by Hagon Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita in regards to the Matziv facing Klal Yisroel today - most notably the deteriorating economy - and Inyonei Purim.
Can someone post that mp3 shiur?
We sincerely hope the Rosh Yeshiva SHLIT"A will allow the re-posting of his Shiur, which has benefitted so many of us and has the potential of giving Chizuk to many more of our brethren.
If he still reluctant, perhaps he will agree to the following compromise:
the posting of a written summary with instructions on obtaining the tape of the full Shiur in his own words.
Hatzlachah Rabbah!
The passing of the very distinguished Mechanech and Askan HaRav Eli Teitelbaum TZ"L is a severe loss for us. He hope and pray that he will be a Meilitz Yosher for Klal Yisrael.
In connection with the admonition by HaRav Avraham Schorr SHLIT"A regarding our obligation to mourn the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash and pray for its reinstatement, my favorite part of the Web site of Rav Teitelbaum ZT"L (www.campsci.com) is his Museum of the Second Bais HaMikdash: www.campsci.com/museum/index.htm
We hope and pray that HASHEM Yisbarach will look favorably upon all the wonderful accomplishments of Rav Teitelbaum ZT"L and our concern and yearning for the Bais HaMikdash, and -- in return -- grant us the Geulah Shleimah BB"A.
LeZakos Es HaRabim.
A brief Shiur on the significance of this tragic event -- the murder of eight young men while they were learning Torah in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim -- was given by the distinguished Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Avraham Schorr SHLIT"A a few hours after it occurred, on Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni. The following is my recollection of this outstanding Shiur:
1. As we have learned, "MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah." The timing of this tragedy -- Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar II -- indicates that the Ribono Shel Olam intended to disturb our Simchah with an urgent message. What what He telling us?
2. The Gemorah in Maseches Taanis (29a) states: "KeSheim MiSheNichnas Av MeMaatim BeSimchah, Kach MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah." To the well-know question -- What is the connection between the two? -- the Sfas Emes ZT"L answered: The Ribono Shel Olam expects us to mourn the loss of the Batei HaMikdash. Our reward for doing so is Simchah in the month of Adar. According to Rav Shorr SHLIT"A, the fact that the Ribono Shel Olam disrupted our Simchah this Adar indicates that is He is unhappy with our mourning and concern for the Churban Batei HaMikdash. It is call for us to repent and mend our ways!
3. Why is our era known as "Ikvisa DiMashicha" (the heels of Mashiach)? The Rosh Yeshiva quoted his father, HaRav Gedaliah Schorr ZT"L, as saying that the heels are the only part of our body where one can cut with a knife and the victim may not feel it. Unfortunately, we have become so callous that we do not sense the imminence of Mashiach!
It is the fervent hope of the Rosh Yeshiva SHLIT"A that we will mend our ways through genuine Tshuvah and thus hasten the Geulah Shleimah, BB"A.
He is not a Rosh Yeshiva.
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