Reb Yerachmiel has supplied the Olam with his shiur from this past Sunday's Baltimore Community Kollel Tefillah Chaburah!
In continuing the limud of Shemoneh Esrei, Reb Yerachmiel discusses many of the "Segulos" for Parnasa and teitches-up the first half of berchas "Barech Aleinu", all within the backdrop of Elul and Rosh Hashana, the time period in which our tefillos for Parnasa can be particularly "misugal" to enhance our "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" relationship with HASHEM.
You may either "left click" HERE to listen to the shiur or "right click"
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of picasaweb)
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Listened last night; beautiful as always.
DY- any chance that you can obtain some of these shiurim from prior years purely on the topic of Elul/Rosh HaShanah? Yasher Koach
I'll pass on that request to Reb Yerachmiel and try to let you know. Shkoyach!
-Dixie Yid
IY"H, they're converting some of the shiurim to mp3 from tapes & we'll combine some of those shiurim with the current ones over the next few weeks G-d willing. Thanks for the suggestion!
Dixie Yid
DY- Based on the comments above, any ETA on the Reb Yerachmiel Torah tapes on the Yamim Noraim? Thank you in advance.
I assume this week along with one of the regular shiurim. Thank you for asking!
-Dixie Yid
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