Reb Yerachmiel has begun a new shiur in Baltimore through the Baltimore Community Kollel. It is called the Lev Shlomo Chaburah. In this, his second shiur, he speaks about "Olam Ha'Yedidus", a subset of Devaikus Ba'Hashem that Rav Pincus, Rav Wolbe, the Bilvavi have been working on developing. The mehalech might very well be "The Second Biggest Chiddush That Very Few People Know" (notice the girsa change) and actually is the perfect remedy for "The First Chiddush That Nobody Knows".
You may download the shiur in WAV format either HERE or HERE.
-Dixie Yid
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Wonderful Shiur- deep and inspiring
What seforim is it based on? Is this all his own chidushim? If yes, wow.
R' Goldman is obviously a talmid of Rav Moshe Weinberger as he does the same sing-song nigun that is unique to R' Weinberger. Nice.
I think it's mostly based on Rav Pincus, but as I put in the summary, supplied to me by R' Yerachmiel, it's also based on Rav Wolbe and the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh Seforim. B"H, we're zoche that he shares these shiurim with us!
-Dixie Yid
Rav Wolbe has a sefer called Olam HaYedidus, I believe.
Rabbi Newman- Indeed, R' Goldman attributes the phrase "Olam Ha'Yedidus" to Rav Wolbe zt"l and indicates that the entire theme of the shiur is based upon Rav Wolbe's defintion of Yiddidus- "Yad B'Yad" with Hashem! But in my opinion it's that maaseh from Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus zt"l and his concluding quote from Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh that really drive this yesod home! Highly recommended listening/learning.
To All- As a follow-up to the previous comment (which I left), I've been thinking about the Yesod mentioned in this shiur that all of the enemies of Am Yisroel ALSO have a shaichus to a koach of "the double-Yad"- it's quite a haunting concept...
Links to shiurim are not working. Are they still available?
I don't think so. This was posted a long time ago. Good Shabbos!
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