Rav Kosman, of the Master Daf and Master Mishna series, has produced a full set of audio shiurim on mp3, translating and explaining Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, volume one. He is also in the process of creating a similar set of shiurim for the Da Es Atzmecha sefer. The translation/explanation of Bilvavi Vol. one is already available on one CD for $20, which includes the translation/explanation of the whole sefer.
The problem is that there is no one marketing these CDs for sale either online or in stores. My friend Zev Polansky has spearheaded the effort to create these mp3 shiurim on CD. But now, he needs help in getting them out to people both online and/or in stores. If you would be willing to help Zev out with this, it would be greatly appreciated. You may e-mail Zev to inquire about helping out with this. It will be a big mitzvah for anyone willing to help. Tizku l'mitzvos!
Update: As of now you can order these CDs with all of the shiurim in mp3 form of the whole Volume 1 of Bilvavi translated and explained directly from Rav Kosman by e-mailing him.
-Dixie Yid
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I don't get it. The same way Rabbi Kosman markets his Master Mishnah series, etc. het him do for Bilvavi. What's the issue?
Rav Kosman doesn't market his other things. Everything is done by someone else. It would be the same thing here. But there's no one, as of now, who can/will do it, so that's why it's needed.
-Dixie Yid
Is their a way to order the CDs etc. now?
Yes, e-mail Zev using the link in the main post and he'll put you in touch with Rav Kosman to buy a copy of the CD.
-Dixie Yid
I see ads for Rav Kosman's Master series in Jewish periodicals. Stores have them. You can buy them online. Whoever runs that should be willing to run it for Bilvavi.
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