Baruch Hashem, in this fifth shiur on berchas "Es Tzemach Dovid" in Shemoneh Esrei, Reb Yerachmiel discussed the fundamental kavanas of both the "head" and "heart" ingrained in the phrase "Ki LeShuascha Kivinu". If said kavana is not "shgurah beficha" this is a must listen, as the ripple effects of this phrase range from the vital bear minimum of what it means to be a Jew, to the far-reaching-realms of meriting Olam Haba and having a hand in the bringing of Yemos Ha'Moshiach even TODAY!
CLICK HERE to get the shiur by either left clicking to listen right away or right clicking and selecting "Save Target As" to download.
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Thank you for posting!
Todah rabbah bisheel haklata. Yom tov sameach lekulchem. :-)
Looking forward to listening!
Great shiur, but just one clarification if I may (I'm sure it's what Reb Goldman intended): Rabbi Brazil/Rabbi Freifeld did not conduct the "test" with the frog themselves, as that would be tzar baalei chayim. Scientists or whomever conducted the test and those Rabbonim would use it as a mashal for becoming desensitized to olam hazeh.
A talmid
Thank G-d for July 4th weekend traffic. I got to listen to this not once but twice. Excellent
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