When I made my way, finally, to the Tzion, and put my head down on Rabbeinu’s matzevah, for the first time, I felt as if he was embracing me. “Rabbeinu, B”H, I’m finally here with you for Rosh HaShanah. – I’m here Rebbe!” One thing I have to say – given the massive number of people there – it was packed, but the Yidden let each other up to the matzevah. I expected to have to fight my way to the front, but it wasn’t like that at all. Everyone there seems to know that everyone else ALSO wants to touch the Rebbe’s kever, and they make it happen, B”H. I was zoche with a few chaverim (B”H, I finally got to spend Rosh HaShanah, by the Rebbe, with REB CHAIM F.!!! – after 4 years of planning it, I finally overcame the meniyos!).

The davening was just so amazing – like I said, Magical. I kept thinking to myself what a zchus it was to be standing there. Such a zchus to be a Ben Melech, clapping for my Father in Heaven. Hameivin Yavin. All throughout Yom Tov, I could hear the Roar coming from the different minyanim – all davening with such intensity. Screaming, clapping, dancing – Lichvod the Melech. And Tashlich … oooooh ahhhh. It was a sea of kittelach surrounding that body of water – a surreal scene of Yidden davening, doing hisbodedus, dancing – a sea of Kedushah.
Taking the charter flight back to Eretz HaKadosh was not my famous part of the trip, BUT after waiting in the airport on endless lines and checkpoints, our holy brethren were having some fun with the baffoon thug Ukrainian soldiers - one precious Yid screams really loud - SCREAMS - to the soldier standing at the head of a line of hundreds of us (the Ukrainian soldiers did their best to make us wait as long as humanly possible before being allowed into various sections of the airport), "Meeeester, Yehi Razon Milfanecha sh'anachnu, bnei malachim, maminim b’nei maminim, yeheyu Moshlim Aleichem B’Karov, BARUCH SHELO ASANI GOY, Meeeeester!!!". The soldier got angry at him, assuming he was being made fun of, and the Yiddele says to him, "MEEEEEEster, I ask you if we can take a peeeecture with you Meeeeester."
Mi K’Amcha Yisroel. I so hope you two Holy Yidden can join the kibbutz next year (in Yerushalayim of course, but if not, then in Uman)!
Picture courtesy of Simcha Goldberg. Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
one precious Yid screams really loud - SCREAMS - to the soldier standing at the head of a line of hundreds of us.....
are we supposed to be impressed by this? And the value of going to Uman for rosh Hashanah is what, precisely? Tikun Hamidot????
Moiradik. Thank you for sharing (screams and all). :-)
Anon 9:46:
Sounds like you missed what the soldiers were doing to the Jews. You must be forgetting these are not American soldiers...
The question is how to make Ukrainian soldiers cooperate, not how to tick them off.
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