Reb Yerachmiel has treated us to his fourth audio shiur on the topic of berchas "Shema Koleinu" in Shmoneh Esrei.
In this shiur Reb Yerachmiel steps back and advises that together with asking Hashem to listen to our voices, we must be sure that we are listening to Hashem's.
In addition to compliance with Torah and Mitzvos, Reb Yerachmiel discussed how in the month of Elul we can better listen to our own voices, better listen and connect to the "Niggun" of the Yomim Noraim, and better listen and react to the "Bas Kol" which beckons us all.
CLICK HERE to get the shiur by either left clicking to listen right away or right click and select "Save Target As" to download.
Picture courtesy of Nechama Tamara Farber. Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
Shkoach for posting!
Yeyasher kochacha bishveel haklata. Shabbat Shalom Umivorach lekoolchem
Reb Dixie,
Is it possible there is a glitch in the file? I was able to download only 186 kb, not even the introduction. I tried both IE and Firefox.
Yasher koach, and thank you very much!
DY and Gandalin,
I was just able to download the full 61 minute shiur a moment ago. Perhaps you just had a glitch? Good luck and ketivah vachatima tova
I heard that Reb Yerachmiel's shiurim are being videotaped by "Torah Anytime". Is that accurate and if so how can we watch and listen? Anyone in the know?
That is accurate but I think they were having a couple of server issues, but the video shiur should be available soon. I will IY"H let you know when it is. Kol tuv!
It looks like the download and click-to-listen are now working... thanks for fixing.
Wonderful shiur in preparation for the upcoming yom tov. A highly recommended listen.
And ETA in the next Reb Yerachmiel shiur? Thanks
IY"H in the morning. K'siva v'chasima tova!
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