Perhaps this discovery is not new to others but I wanted to share a link to a website that has the text of the various seforim of Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh online. It even has a lot of chelek alef translated into English. I'm making a permanent link to them as well. Enjoy!
Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh - Building a sanctuary in your heart
-Dixie Yid
Update: I sent my rebbe several pages of the translation to Bilvavi from this website. He wanted see it to see if he should reccomend it to people. Even though y'all don't know who he is, suffice it to say that he is someone whose opinion I value immensely. He said that he is very happy with the translation there and would definitely reccomend the site to people.
b"h we will post chapters from the new upcoming English translation - part II of Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh on the website.
Also - the book PART I , should be available in bookstores in the US.
We'll be happy to hear if you saw books in your local bookstore.
Thank you! And I'm not sure if he got the copy from a bookstore or not, but my rebbe that I referenced above does have a copy of Vol. 1.
I was also made aware that the author stipulated that the book could only be translated by the author on days when he went to the Mikva. Also, if he departed from the literal meaning, he had to say a tefilla first. Amazing!
I followed up on my post at the following link:
Hatzlacha raba!
-Dixie Yid
Bilvavi - Part 2 (the first chapters):
Bilvavi, I'm getting a number of hits from people searching for Bilvavi info. So hopefully, they'll find their way to you through the links. A couple of people have asked me how to get copies of the English sefer for themselves. Can you put up another comment or e-mail me at dixieyid(at)gmail.com to let me know how people can find it. None of the online seforim stores seem to have it, as far as I can tell. Do any online seforim stores based in Israel have it? Thanks for the info!
-Dixie Yid
I see Bilvavi One is for sale on Nehora, and they even advertise it on their home page. I also saw it a few other places. People can just google using the English title. There are some typos in this edition due to all the hands it went through, but hopefully, they will be fixed in a later printing.
Thanks. I posted a link to Nehora's page selling the item here: http://dixieyid.blogspot.com/2007/05/bilvavi-sanctuary-in-my-heart-available.html
I did google their English name last week and didn't come up with anything. Maybe it became available during the past week? Anyway, keep us updated!
-Dixie Yid
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