I took my four year old son to davening on Friday morning. He sat very nicely the whole time and at the end, he began wrapping the straps of my head-tefilin around his arm and shuckeling (swaying) as if he was davening. This got me to thinking which of the following phrases would be more correct:
"Look, he's pretending to daven just like me."Or:
"Look, he's pretending to daven, just like me."Picture courtesy of me. Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
What a diffrence a comma makes.
שמתי לב להבדל בין הכתבה איך שהופיע בבוקר לכתבה איך שהמופיע עכשיו.
Indeed. There's a well known story about the Satmar Rav. One Purim, the badchan began to do a great imitation of the Satmar Rav's unique way of davening for the amud on Rosh Hashana and his particular high pitched voice. The Satmar Rav began to cry, and the badchan immediately stopped and ran to ask forgiveness from the Rav. But Rav Yoilish told him there was nothing he need to be forgiven for. The reason he was crying was because as he watched the badchan do such a perfect impression of his Rosh Hashana davening, he began to think whether his *own* davening on Rosh Hashana was only an imitation of some earlier hartzig davening that he had had years earlier...
I hate to do this but it was Reb Yoel Davening on Hoshanah Rabbah I have heard a Tape of it and it is something truly awe inspiring
Might he not have also davening on Rosh Hashana?
This could be your finest post to date.
I try to get in at least one heartfelt word every time I daven. Sometimes I do.
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