In this unique shuir from Reb Yerachmiel on the topic of berchas "Ve'Lerushalayim" in Shmoneh Esrei, Reb Yerachmiel takes us on of "tour" of Yerushalayim's past, present and future as explored through the pages of our precious Siddur.
Famous sites on the journey include Lecha Dodi at the Kosel, Monday's Shir Shel Yom, Hashkiveinu of Shabbos and Chol, a visit with Eliyahu Hanavi (Zachor LaTov) in Berchas Ha'Mazon, Al Neharos Bavel and the Shir HaMaalos of the future, and even a visit to the Bais Hamikdash itself.
CLICK HERE to get the shiur by either left clicking to listen right away or right clicking and selecting "Save Target As" to download.
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Lakol zman vaet tachat hashamayim... et lehodot l'hahaklata!!!
Thank you for posting these shiurim.
Creative and heartzig shiur. Wonderful
It was really amazing, thank you!
I'll echo the prior posters- creative, heartzig and amazing. And thank you to DixieYid for the harbatzats hatorah
Awesome shiur. By the way, last night Eitan Katz said over a similar vort as Reb Yerachmiel; the one on "Beyameinu" meaning not only "in" our days but "with" our days.
Dixie yid- Shamatee shehaya shiur byom rishon. Ha'im haya baayah im hahaklata? Mah karah?
Shkoach, Yedidi. Be'ezras Hashem, the lastest shiur will be posted by the Dixie Yid on Sunday!
Chag Sameach and Good Yom Tov/Shabbos to all!!!
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