Scientists have discovered an organism that changes their understanding of evolution. In the course of explaining the discovery, this article at the Discovery Channel explains "a mysterious time in the evolution of early life known as the Cambrian Explosion. Until about 550 million years ago, there were very few animals leaving trails behind. Then, within ten million years an unprecedented blossoming of life swarmed across the planet, filling every niche with hard-bodied, complex creatures."
But for me, the real money quote in this explanation was this: "It wasn't a gradual development of complexity," Matz said. "Instead these things suddenly seemed to burst out of a magic box." (emphasis added)
A Designer? G-d? No way. It must have been a magical box!
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of Matz/NOAA /Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute)
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Gerald Schroeder mentions in one of his books that another one of these magical moments was as soon as there was water on Earth the fossil record shows that immediately there were organisms in the water. Gradual development? I think not.
Scientists like Stephen Jay Gould (incidentally, he has a very good book on the conflict between science and religion) have argued for years that evolution is not a gradual process but takes place in bursts - punctuated equilibrium. His expertise was the Burgess Shale and fossils of the Cambrian period that you are discussing.
Ari & Chaim,
Yes, I've also heard of this punctuated evolution thing. The question is why? Do you attribute it to the proverbial "magic box," i.e. coincidence or to a Director? It's amuzing that they pick the magical box so as to escape the explanation staring them in the face.
-Dixie Yid
I am going to adress the Elephant in the room because no one else will. Whats with the Arabic?
Anonymous, I think you're really using the whole Arabic thing as a Red Herring. What do you have to hide?
Actually, it's for my own amusement. It means Dixie Yid in Arabic. Ah, the things I do for my own amusement.
-Dixie Yid
Don't let the guys at LGF see this or you'll be branded for life. If you can't help yourself, no allusions to creation. (Their veins start popping out at that.) (Don't say I didn't warn you.)
Thanks for the tip!
The truth is that this is a religous blog so I wouldn't make any secret of the fact that I believe that G-d created the world.
But as to "Intelligent Design" or "Creationism" as these terms are used colloquially, I don't really know what they stand for and I am not particularly interested in getting involved in the issue. All I know is that G-d created the world. How He did it doesn't affect my life very much.
All the best and thanks for the advice!
-Dixie Yid
Yeah...what you said!
Parshas Chayah Sarah
ותשא רבקה את-עיניה, ותרא את-יצחק; ותפל, מעל הגמל
What did Rivkah see that caused her to fall off her camel?
To start Avraham was Misakin Shachris, Yitzchak Mincha, and Yackov Marriv. That would mean at this Point only Shachris existed. Now we understand why Rivkah fell off the Camel she saw her Chosson going to Shachris at 4 in the Afternoon.
ותמת שרה, בקרית ארבע הוא חברון--בארץ כנען; ויבא, אברהם, לספד לשרה, ולבכתה
What does it mean לספד לשרה who else would he say a eulogy for?
The answer is sometimes at funerals you hear the Eulogy and you know the person .Therefore you know it has been more than over-embellished. Here the torah was saying no he was talking about his wife and not an over-embellishment.
ויען לבן ובתואל ויאמרו, מיהוה יצא הדבר; לא נוכל דבר אליך, רע או-טוב
Why is a Rasha like Lavan all of the sudden so religious announcing מיהוה יצא הדבר?
The answer is simple now that the Shidduch is closing it is time to pay the Shadchan now Lavan says no Eliezer it is not you who did it but מיהוה יצא הדבר so you get no pay.
you guys still believe in evolution, nebah.
the whole theory is bunk from the beginning what do you care what this guy or that guy claim about it?
Is that THE Ari Goldwag the composer and singer?
you guys still believe in evolution, nebah.
the whole theory is bunk from the beginning what do you care what this guy or that guy claim about it?
Zein nisht kein amoretz. The theory has a lot of evidence. Are there kashos? Sure. A kasha never killed anyone, though. Just because there are kashios doesn’t mean it has been debunked.
The fact of the matter is: theory of evolution doesn’t contradict Torah in its most literal reading (no need for Schroeder’s gymnastics).
first of all you are an amoretz the theory of evolution does contradict the Holy Torah, Adam was created by G-d complete not from single celled organisms through many years... etc.
secondly the theory contradicts pure common sense, we can take small organisms in a lab and simulate thousands of generations which evolution claims it needs and guess what till this day not a singe case of anything evolving into anything else!
I agree that the term ``magical box`` implies avoiding the recognition of a creator. On a deaper level I think that altough there is truth to this with logic,when looking at this discovery with the understanding of why the discovery was made at the time in history that it was logic is not the desicive factor. In Judaism there is the notion of logic as an important role in determining the understanding of world events, however what is more desicive is how we can understand and relate to the reason why, not logically but how it is true even without logic. It is clear that the recognition of G-d as the creator is inevitable in the times preceding the arival of Moshiach,however this recognition is not a matter of logic or events that can onley be understood with logic. In shorter terms Hashem is showing those who choose and have the ability to see that logic does not determine the depths of understanding His world.
[ ayin sefer bilvavi mishkan evneh - chelek kol dimamah dakah, shlehavanasi inyan hasefer nivneh al davar zeh]
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