Interestingly, scientists have discoverd their earliest evidence of nuclear families in the "pre-history" period. This family seems to have lived about 4,600 years ago in Germany, which would put them 500 years before the flood and about 800 years before the time of Avraham. It would also mean that they lived in about the year 1,169 from the creation of the world, which would correspond to about the year 2592 B.C.E. Fascinating!
-Dixie Yid
P.S. Timeline for Jewish History sefer Bereishis courtesy of Yaak:
Timeline Sefer Bereshis
(Picture courtesy of Discovery Blog)
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I believe the year 1169 is about 500 years BEFORE the flood.
What was the hebrew date of the mabul? i can't seem to find it online. Thanks!
-Dixie Yid
See here
Thank you. I updated the post. Much appreciated!
-Dixie Yid
If that's not satisfaction, I'm not sure what is. For those that doubt due to science, I'm glad this bit of truth was unearthed!
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