I'm happy to announce that Dixie Yid just got its 100th e-mail subscriber. Yay! The other good news is that today is my second Blogoversary! It's good to still be around after 2 years! You can read my first 5 posts here and you can see why I started Dixie Yid here.
As always, you can get a daily e-mail with brief snippets of the day's Dixie Yid posts in your e-mail inbox by subscribing through the Feedblitz service HERE. All you have to do is sign up and respond to a confirmation request that you'll receive by e-mail and viola, you'll get your daily Dixie Yid e-mails!
Also, we're up to 68 subscribers in the Google Reader blog reader service, which is what I myself use to keep up with the blogs that are out there quickly and in a one-stop-shopping sort of way, as I wrote about here. Again, you can click here to subscribe in that service. Kol tuv!
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of stevensgarnier.co.uk)
Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox or here to subscribe in Google Reader.
Yasher Koach.
חזק וברוך
שתזכה לשנים רבות לשתף אותנו במחשבות
ובתורות שלך.
בלוג זה הוא אחד הנדירים יותר שבאמת אפשר ללמוד ממנו.
Mazel Tov! May you go mi chayil el chayil.
Thank you very much! Especially Fritzi, for your very kind words!
-Dixie Yid
Thank You so much for your daily inspiration and thoughts. I look forward to reading your blog every day. May you continue for many many more years!
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