Below is a write-up of Rav Weinberger's Shalosh Seudos drasha from this Shabbos, Parshas Tazriah-Metzora. This version reflects his review of the write-up. You can see past write-ups of Rav Weinberger's Shalosh Sheudos Torahs here and get thousands of his shiurim in mp3 format at
Rav Moshe Weinberger
Shalosh Seudos Drasha Parashas Tazriah-Metzora 5752
The Kedushas Levy: Giving Nachas to Hashem
(Original text of the Kedushas Levy (Parashas Tazriah) is in regular font. Rav Weinberger’s comments are in italics)
Let us explain the passuk "אשה כי תזריע" (When a woman shall conceive). It's written in the Holy Zohar (Chelek 3 42b) regarding this passuk "it should have stated "כי תהר" (conceived). Rabbi Yossi explained that from the moment a woman becomes pregnant until the time of birth, she constantly has on her lips that it should be a boy" .
Obviously this is referring to something in Pnimius. We know that there plenty of ladies and even many men that are davening to have a girl!
I heard from my master our teacher Reb Dov Ber (the Mezritcher Maggid) זי״ע regarding the statement of Chazal (Zohar Chelek 3 7b) "Yisroel gives Parnassah to their Father in Heaven". As it's written in Mishley (10:1) "בן חכם ישמח אב" (a smart son makes his father happy). This means that our performance of Mitzvos and Good Deeds brings pleasure to the Creator B"H. Through this Yisroel gives "Parnassah" to their Father in Heaven, as pleasure is a form of "Parnassah".
Parnasah is more then just money. It refers to a form of support and nourishment.
But according to this, how are Jews worthy of performing Mitzvos and Good Deeds in order to give pleasure to the Creator B"H? Doesn't He have thousands of angels saying "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh" (Holy) in awe and in fear? What are we that we should even be considered? Let's explain this through a parable. The aristocrats among the nations have a certain bird that they train to speak like a person, and the listener is amazed and tells his friends to come and hear such a novel thing. The meaning of this should be clear, and you should open your eyes and see the greatness of Mitzvos and Good Deeds. That all the Avodah of the Malachim above is but a shade when compared to that of men.
The fact that an angel can praise G'd is not a חידוש (novel). An angel is swimming in Elokus (Godliness). The greatest חידוש is that a being of flesh and blood living in the miserable, dark, physical world can serve Hashem and sing his praises. This is truly wondrous.
According to this we can explain the Mishna in Pirke Avos (2:1) "Rebbi said: Which is the proper path that a man should choose for himself? Whatever glorifies it's maker, and gives him glory through men". Rebbi is coming to teach us the correct way to serve Hashem. To hold on to the Middah of Tiferes (glory, splendor) and to elevate it. The essence of the intention of ones service should only be to glorify Hashem Yisborach. He is glorified through the Avodah of His children. We, so to speak, bring him praise and Nachas. Even though "dressed" in the thick physical body, we still exert ourselves to overcome our physical temptation and to cover ourselves with spirituality and the holiness of our Creator. Thus He is glorified with us, so to speak. This is the meaning of "Whatever glorifies its maker", that Hashem our maker is glorified through us. Rebbi revealed to us what this glory comes from saying "and gives Him glory through men". Through this the Creator b"h "receives" tremendous pleasure, and it can be said He is in the aspect of a "receiver".
Normally the father is the one giving to his children. In Pnimius HaTorah the concept of Zachar (male) refers to the role of "giver", while Nekevah (female) refers to the role of "receiver". In this sense the father is in the "male" role, while the children are in the "female" role. But there are times when these roles can be reversed, as when the children "give" Nachas (satisfaction) to the father. In the same way, normally Hashem is THE giver, and we receive from him. But it's also possible for the Jewish People to "give" to Hashem, so to speak.
As I heard from my Master and teacher Reb Dov Ber of Mezritch זי״ע regarding the passuk (Tehillim 118:23) "מאת ה׳ היתה ׳זאת׳ היא נפלאת בעינינו" ("this" is from Hashem, it's a wonder in our eyes). The word "זאת" (this) refers to the feminine aspect, as is known (Zohar Chelek 2 37b). We stated above that since the essence of the Avodah should be the pleasure that the Creator b"h receives form it, we can say that Hashem can be considered to be in a "receiving" role, so to speak. This is the meaning of "מאת ה׳ היתה ׳זאת׳" ("this" is from Hashem), that He is in the "female" aspect, that of "זאת" (this). And this is truly "a wonder in our eyes".
This is the meaning of the Zohar when is says that "from the moment a woman becomes pregnant until the time of birth, she constantly has on her lips that it should be a boy". The "woman" refers to Kneses Yisroel. The "pregnancy" refers to the time a person starts his Avodah of the Creator. "The time of birth" is when a person completes a Mitzvah. "It's constantly in her lips that it should be a boy" means that the Avodah should be in the aspect of "masculine". Only then it brings forth Divine Flow to all the worlds. May we merit to serve Hashem Yisborach in such a way, Amen.
At this time, at the end of days, any Jew that can "squeeze in" a little Avodas Hashem, and all the more so if he does so with Kavanah (the right intention) it's an amazing thing that gives Hashem tremendous Nachas.
Chazal refers to the Galus as "pregnancy without a Leida (birth)". The Ribono shel Olam should help us that we should be zoche to see the Leida soon with the Geulah HaSheleima VeHaamitis בב״א.
Chazal refers to the Galus as "pregnancy without a Leida (birth)". The Ribono shel Olam should help us that we should be zoche to see the Leida soon with the Geulah HaSheleima VeHaamitis בב״א.
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