FFB: (Frum From Birth)
FFBWL: Frum From Birth With Lapses- "My yeshiva had the best weed..."
FFBOOH: Frum From Birth Out Of Habit
BT: Ba'al Teshuva
IBT: Integrated Ba'al Teshuva- "You're a Ba'al Teshuva?!"
NIBT: Non-Integrated Ba'al Teshuva- Q: "Can I help you find the pages during the service?" A: "I'm okay, thanks."
BTNOOH: Ba'al Teshuva Now Out Of Habit
-Dixie Yid (card-carrying Underconstructionist)
I think you might want to add:
Frum from birth but awakened and found True Torah Judaism and not the "do what everyone else does" kind.
Nice post!
Now I like that one! It's better thank FFBWL!
-Dixie Yid
Don't forget FFT-Frum From Teshuva (I first heard this from R Moshe Shur)
Great Post! Everybody be on the look out for my interview of this witty blogger right here real soon.
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