Tu B’Av in Netzach and Yesod
The Arizal writes that the sefirah of Netzach is revealed on Tu B’Av.[1] Yet in another place he says that the sefirah of Yesod is revealed on that day.[2] The meaning of this apparent contradiction is that the fifteen of Av essentially relates to the sefirah of Yesod. We can understand this since many matches were finalized on this day. As our sages tell us, “The daughters of Yisrael would go out…”[3] Of course, a match requires a matchmaker. This “shadchan” is the sefirah of Netzach which literally means “victory” and connotes perseverance in the face of challenge. At first both parties to the match have doubts whether the other person is truly the right one. It is the determination of the shadchan that irons out the difficulties and completes the shidduch.
This is the strength of the true tzaddik who says, "גמרתי ואגמור"—“I have finished and I will finish.”[4] [The full quote of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov is, “I have been victorious and I will be victorious; I have finished and I will finish.”] This signifies that the main task of the tzaddik is to complete the shidduch between Hashem and the Shechinah. [The Shechinah signifies the revelation of Hashem’s presence in this material world through our actions, speech, and thoughts.
“Completing the shidduch between Hashem and the Shechinah” means that the Jewish people — and subsequently the entire world — attain a deep consciousness of Hashem in every action, word, and thought.] Even when there are many barriers, as the verse in our parshah states, “And Hashem was angry with me [Moshe Rabbeinu] because of you [the Jewish people],”[5] the tzaddik declares, “I have finished and I will finish.”
The task of every Jew is to enter into the aspect of Netzach, holy victory, which is above reason or one’s feelings of the moment. Commitment to victory imparts vast spiritual strength to achieve one’s goal. We can understand this from when a person is involved in a struggle with an antagonist; he will work hard and try any possible strategy to win. He will force himself to stay up long hours, day and night, until he defeats his nemesis. It is because the source of Netzach is above the mochin of Chochmah-Binah-Da’as, because its spiritual root transcend thought itself, that this attribute can awaken such astonishing strength of character. It is specifically through this characteristic that the tzaddikim succeed in completing the shidduch between ourselves and our Father in heaven.
[1] Pri Eitz Chaim, Mikrah Kodesh, Chapter 4
[2] Ibid, Sha'ar Chag Hashavuos, Chapter 1
[3] Taanis 31
[4] Chayei Moharan #218.
[5] Devarim 3:26
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