I just received an e-mail from the gentelman at Bilvavi.net. He informed me that the author of the Bilvavi seforim will be beginning a new series of video shiurim this coming Thursday at 8:30 PM Israel time (1:30 PM Eastern time). Keeping on the topic of "Self Knowledge," the Rav will begin a new series on the 10 Sefiros/Midos that exist within a person. You can watch the shiur live at Shorashim's live video shiur page here. You can also access their archive of these video shiurim here.
Update: I received an e-mail from someone who asked a question to the Bilvavi author and got an answer that related to how one should approach applying the teachings in the video shiurim vs. using the Bilvavi Seforim. I think many people might benefit from the Rav's advice. I'll copy paste that part of the text of his e-mail here:
"I sent in a question to the author if based on his last talk, everyone should first apply the material in the Shorashim talks before working on the material in the bilvavi books. I also asked if there is a particular order among the books. The response I received was that each person is different, so each person should work with what's right for his level, and there is no determined order between the books, or between them and the Shorashim workshop. If someone feels ready to work with emunah, he can go straight to the bilvavi books right away."
Answer in the original: "אין טבעי בנ"א שוים זה לזה. ולכך מי שאין לו גישה כלל לאמונה על דרך
כלל צריך את הקדמת שורשים. אולם מי שיש לו גישה טבעית לאמונה, אין שעורי
שורשים הכרחיים לתחילת עבודתו. מכיוון שאין דרך בני אדם שוה, לכך א"א
לעשות סדר בספרים"
-Dixie Yid
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