Below is the link to the newest Video/Audio shiur by
Reb Yerachmiel on Berchas “Modim” in Shemoneh Esrei. As a companion piece to last week’s shiur titled “Bechas Modim: Thanking Hashem for the BIG THINGS”, this week’s shiur is titled “Berchas Modim: THANKING HASHEM FOR THE little things”.
Torah Anytime Video LinkCLICK HERE to get the shiur by either left clicking to listen right now or right clicking and selecting "Save Target As" to download!
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How true. Thank you for the many reminders of how lucky we truly are.
Thank you
I'm lovin' it
Thank you for posting.
DY- Whenn is the next one and/or was there a shiur prior to Purim that you can share with us?
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