Monday, April 19, 2010

Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh Author in US Before Shavuos!

I wanted to let everyone know that IY"H, the author of the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh seforim, Rav Itamar Shwartz, will be in town before Shavuos.

Similar to last year, he will be holding a seminar of three shiurim in one day on Sunday May 9th at Rabbi Mayer Fund's Shul, Sheves Achim in Flatbush, Brooklyn (1517 Ave. H, off corner of East 16th [across from Q Train]). The shiurim will be at 12, 3, & 6 PM. All proceeds are going to publish more seforim by Rav Shwartz. $20 admission | $200 sponsorship (includes private meeting with the Rav). CLICK HERE or call 516-668-6397 to register.

The Rav's trip is right before Shavuos so the theme, generally, that he will be speaking on relates to how to prepare oneself for Kabalas HaTorah. The Rav will be in North American from Sunday May 9th (the day of the seminar) till Motzoi Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar, May 15th.

Also, there are still one or two slots available that you can have the Rav speak to your community/Shul. Please call 516-668-6397 for more information on that.

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צדקת עזריאל said...

Is there a "suggested" price for Yeshiva Bochrim?

Bilvavi Tour said...

We have a sliding scale so that anyone who wants to come can attend, but everyone has to contribute according to their financial ability. Please call 516-668-6397 for ALL details.

DixieYid (يهودي جنوبي) said...


Yes, As "Bilvavi Tour" said, don't let the "suggested donation" stop you from coming. Just give according to your ability. Look forward to seeing you. :-)

צדקת עזריאל said...

@ Dixie Yid,

i see you left out "financial" from the Bilvavi Tour's comment. so as long as we give from any of our abilities...maybe some physcial, maybe some spiritual?

DixieYid (يهودي جنوبي) said...

Tzidkas, Since I'm not the Rambam so you don't have to be mekayek so deeply in my words. ;-)

I meant give financially according to your ability and of course, some physical may be welcome as well. Call the number to discuss. :-)

Kol tuv!

צדקת עזריאל said...

very should look into becoming one of the nosei keilim, you defend your position very well.

that is all out my peanut gallery,

Git Shabbes!

David5Ts said...

Why isn't he spending time with us in Woodmere anymore?

Anonymous said...

woodmere is pas nischt

DixieYid (يهودي جنوبي) said...

IY"H, he'll be in Woodmere/F.R./5T for Shabbos, Parshas Bamidbar, May 14-15th.


I hope you're being facetious.

Shmuel said...

It's a real shame that there are no times slots that take bein haSedarim into account!

Anonymous said... moc.topsgolb.diyeixid.www

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here discussed this shiur? It would seem to me that it is wrong to eat in a kosher restaurant in manhattan from this.