This blog contains Torah, inspiration, and interesting, thought-provoking, or funny content. Inclusion does not necessarily imply limited or general endorsement/agreement.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lightening the Work Load
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Todays Coffee Break - Torah from Starbucks
"It’s so vitally important to give people hope, to provide aspirations and a vision for the future."While this might seem obvious I often find for me, and specially the goyim I work with a complete lack of vision. Our focus on this blog is the "vision" from a Torah perspective. Without this there is nothing. I was thinking though how this applies to me as a leader in my company and the business world. I have the ability to provide a "vision". What happens if my vision I am giving over is Torah values and a way for people to live according to Torah values?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Reflections from recent travels

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tales From the Zohar Part 5 - Guest Post by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

The Book of Radiance: Tales from the Zohar
By Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
Few things stun as much as the catch of quick light out of the blue. Given that, just imagine the sight of a gloomy crowd of wicked blind people -- foolish souls who can’t see, yet who manage to strike out at others in the dark, to steal their jewels in the night, or to panic children in the shadows. And imagine turning a light on them suddenly that’s so strong that not only are their victims saved but the wicked blind themselves are able to see their own wickedness. How stunning would that light be!
Imagine then the moments before light itself was created by G-d with the simple command, “Let there be light!” (Genesis 1:3). For, all there was then was utterly dark, frigid cold, and unreadable nothingness suddenly lit up from out of nowhere.
In fact we’re told that before "stretching out the heavens like a curtain," G-d "wrapped Himself in light like a garment" (Psalms 104:2) and the radiance of His glory then illuminated the world from one end to the other (Breishit Rabbah 3). We’re likewise taught that it’s as a consequence of the act of wrapping Himself in that light that G-d became invisible to us (see Megilah 19b).
There’s much to say about G-d’s invisibleness, which is the single greatest deterrent to our belief in Him, to be sure, though it’s rarely mentioned. But the fact that His invisibleness is caused by His being over-covered by Light is captivating! It implies for one thing that were He not over-covered with it, we’d be able to see Him indeed.
One thing we can derive from that fact, of course, is that we’d do well to sit in the dark from time to time ourselves, with our eyes closed shut and our hearts stilled, in order to “catch sight” of Him!
Shut out that light, in other words, listen closely to the dark stillness, and allow G-d in. For not only does He dwell in the heart and minds of those fortunate souls who know Him by catching sight of the great light that surrounds Him and by surmising His own presence within it, He likewise dwells in the poor and wretched souls who sit in the dark but who “see” Him there, too. For in truth “the whole world is full of His Glory” (Isaiah 6:13) as He suffuses and surrounds all worlds ( Zohar III, 225a).
In any event, the Zohar refers to that light as the “Primal Light” (Zohar 1, 31b). And we’re taught that “one could see with it from one end of the world to the other” (Chagigah 12a), though this unearthly light only “shone in full splendor until Adam sinned” at which point G-d withdrew it from the world (Breishit Rabbah 12).
So, let’s see what else the Zohar offers there about this Primal Light. We learn (Zohar 1, 31b) that G-d had shined it upon Moshe when he was a baby, when “his mother hid him for the first three months of his life”; but that many years later “G-d took it away from him when he appeared before Pharaoh” so that the latter wouldn’t benefit from being exposed to it; and that “He gave it back to Moshe when he stood at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah” so the Primal Light and the Light of Torah could finally be rejoined.
And we’re told that Moshe enjoyed that Primal Light from then on to the end of his life, thanks to which he was able to see “the (whole) Land of Israel from Gilead to Dan” which he couldn’t do otherwise. That suggests of course that the land of Israel is available on some subtle discreet levels to anyone wherever he or she stands, when that person derives his inspiration from G-d’s own Light.
Elsewhere, though, the Zohar speaks about light in “another light”, so to speak (Zohar Chadash, Breishit 15 b-d). It offers there that the light of the sun is actually derived from the Primordial Light we referred to above, which it terms Aspaklariah D’Liayla -- the great “Speculum Above”.
“Don’t be surprised by this fact,” it offers, because a lot of things down below derive from sources up above, for which it gives examples.
After all, “when a master teaches Torah, he first divulges it to his translator” (see below), who then passes the teaching on “to those close to him”, who then likewise pass it along to others down the line until the entire auditorium gets to hear the master’s words. Thus we find that when all is said and done, “everything depends on the master” who revealed the Torah’s teaching in the first place, even though the rest heard it from others’ lips.
First of all, the “translator” referred to could also be termed a “reciter”, as our rabbis taught Torah in auditoriums that were too large to carry their voices all the way through, so their messages were passed along from one “reciter” to another, so on down the line, so everyone could benefit from his wisdom. The point of the matter is that like the sun which draws its light from up above, you and I derive the Torah we live by from a loftier source -- one great master or another. But it goes deeper yet.
It’s likewise true that while “Moshe was shone upon by G-d’s Glory” itself because he was so close to G-d, “Joshua was ‘shone upon’ by Moshe”, the “elders were ‘shone upon’ by Joshua”, the “prophets were ‘shone upon’ by the elders”, and the tribal “chiefs and leaders were ‘shone upon’ by the prophets” offers the Zohar (see Pirkei Avot 1:1). That’s to say that the Torah that the master whom we depend upon for our sustenance draws its light from the earlier masters all the way back to Moshe, who drew upon G-d’s own Glory for his revelations.
Returning to the idea that the sun derives its light from the great “Speculum Above”, Rabbi Elazar says in our Zohar that the sun only receives “a single thread of splendor”, despite its apparent radiance; and he volunteers that the sun’s light is a mere 1/60,075 th’s of the Speculum’s own light -- which is a far, far dimmer light than the 1/100 th’s depicted in Midrash Tachuma (Beha'alotecha) to be sure!
The point of the matter is as follows. Whatever light you and I may exhibit in this life and whatever wisdom we may have is wholly derivative without exception. Nothing we do, think, or say that seems to radiate or to be splendid is our own. All of our assumed originality comes down to our pinching something off the edges of something or another we’d already learned, and adding a dollop or two of something we’d learned elsewhere to it, or the like.
Or better yet, it comes to our turning full-face toward our source and acknowledging it, and simply expressing its own brilliance to some “lesser lights” than ourselves in our own terms without actually adding a thing.
For such is the human condition: while we know precious little on our own, we can and often do derive the insights of others who know more than we, but who themselves in fact derive their insights from sources who knew far more than they. As such at bottom let it be said that everything ever known, said, or proposed is a reflection of G-d’s own “Speculum Above” which is its ultimate source.
The sooner we take that to heart, the wiser we’ll be, in fact. For, as a sage once put it, “The greatest knowledge is the realization that we know nothing in fact”.
© 2011 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Key to Happiness - From Rav Itchie Mayer Morgenstern
The bottom line of the piece was that the thing that will bring a person simchas hachaim is learning Torah with two conditions: (1) It must be with kvius, regularity, meaning that he needs to learn on time at a set time every day without batala and keeping on moving and not letting himself get stuck/discouraged on something he doesn't understand and (2) learning with tefilla; meaning to take a minute before learning and maybe a bit once in the middle, to daven that his learning should give nachas ruach to Hashem, that he should understand, and that the Torah should make him closer to Hashem and that he should take that Torah to heart.
Learning Torah with kvius and tefilla, Rav Itchie Mayer said, will surely bring a person simcha in life.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Questioning Assumptions About "Anti-Academic" and "Anti-Intellectual" Judaism
Circling the Walls of Jerusalem on Rosh Chodesh Adar - Anti-Intellectual Judaism?
I wanted to post this video as a tribute to "anti-intellectual Judaism."
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
Frum Dinner Theatre on Tuesday in Jerusalem! (Discount Code in Post Text)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Imagination Versus Intellect - Not What You Think
Rav Yisroel Salanter in Igeres Hamussar: "ha'adam asur b'muskalo, v'chofshi b'dimyono." "Man is imprisoned by his intellect and free in his imagination."
Rav Weinberger's explanation: A person's intellect and soul, to whom G-d's reality is blazingly obvious, one is bound ("asur") to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. To the intellect/soul, one can no more look at an inappropriate image than he could stick his hand in a fire or cut himself with a knife.
But the force of the imagination/fantasy/body makes a person feel "chofshi b'artzeinu," free to do right or do wrong. But that feeling is pure dimyon, fantasy.
"Asur b'muskalo" is why a person says he "can't" eat on Yom Kippur, and "chofshi b'dimyono" is why he feels it's not so pashut that you can't conceal income on his tax return.
IY"H may we all be zoche to attain the feeling of "I can't" when it comes to doing anything against Hashem's will!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Just remember we are in a Matrix

" The fact that a person even ducks out of the whirlwind that is society and says a few rushed words - it's not ideal, but it is an acknowledgement of God in the midst of chaos."
Controlling our Secular ADD

"According to Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, a masmid is not just someone who sits down and learns from morning until evening. A masmid is someone who puts sixty minutes into every hour, whether it's learning, or studying! Being a masmid is someone who is able to solely focus upon what they are involved in, and is able to overcome distractions. "
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Start and Stop at Honesty

"Rabbeinu Bechaye says this importance of honesty brought in the first words of the Torah. Every nekuda is in the first pasuk of the Torah, except the shuruk. He explains that this is because the letters which spell the word shuruk (shin-reish-kuf)can also be rearranged to spell the word sheker (shin-kuf-reish), lying, and because sheker cannot be even hinted to in foundation of the Torah. Hashem created this world to be a place based on truth, there was no room for sheker!"
You Know You're in a Scary Profession When...
(Caveat: I'm not complaining. I found this exchange sadly amusing, but I like the work, the firm, and the people I work with, and I thank G-d that I am blessed to have a job.)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
New Maccabeats Purim Video - Also by Uri Westrich
The Greeks from the Chanukah video also make a cute cameo. HT Modern Uberdox.
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Net Operating Losses and Teshuvah
Monday, March 7, 2011
Big Problem Starbucks Kashrus - Better Not to Drink in the Stores (Updated)
As someone in the business world, this is a very relevant sha'ala. This notice could not have come too soon. I have not had any Starbucks coffee since the holy Mrs. Yid elevated our family by encouraging us to start keeping cholov Yisroel, but I was just thinking this morning that I was going to invite a friend at work to coffee at Starbucks soon and just use a Gefen non-dairy creamer packet. Yikes!
(UPDATE 3/8/11: Apparantly the OU holds differently. See Chaviva's post here for their much more lenient approach.)
Dixie Daughter: I'm not sure what to tell people when they ask why we started keeping cholov Yisroel. What can I tell them?
Tell them it's because we are trying to become closer to Hashem.
Dixie Daughter: I know, but...(not looking convinced)
I think she wants to know something that's just easy to say, that won't start a whole discussion.
Okay, how about saying that we're trying to become more "chassidish..."
Dixie Daughter: WHAT??!! (unexpected news apparantly)
What if you just tell them we're trying to take on the minhagim of our Rav, Rabbi Weinberger, and that's the reason.
Dixie Daughter: Okay.
Tanya on Fear/Embarrassment - "And They Saw 'Ki Boshesh Moshe'"
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Inspiring High Quality Videos About Israel
Here is another great video about a commander and how Israel deals with fighting an enemy who hides among women and children:
Here is an interview with the author of "Start Up Nation" talking about the progressive deregulation economic policies:
Fascinating statistics about the the worldly effects of the infinite and hungry Jewish soul:
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
All Masked Up

Thank you to a Simple Jew for providing this great source today...Yasher Koach.
Likutey Tefillos #13:
"There is no work or business activity in the world that does not contain Torah, even if it is heavily veiled."
Dixie Yid is Back to the Old Layout - Thanks for Responding
Hisbodedus Documentary - Very Inspiring - Embeded Video
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dixie Yid is Now Optimized for Mobile Viewing
Who is a Ben Olam Habah?
Avodas Ha'Avodah - Introduction and a Brief Background
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Poll on New Template/Layout - Please Respond
Update (3/2/11): Thanks to Neil Harris's suggestion, the blog is now optimized for mobile viewing.