Thank you again to Reb Yerachmiel, from the Baltimore Community Kollel Rav Pincus Chaburah for allowing us to host his latest shiur here at Dixie Yid for you to download.
"VeYivneh Yedid L'Yedid"- The Inspiration of Chanukah and the Chashmonaim. It discusses the yesod of "Yedidus" in the context of Chanukah, and draws upon gemaras and medroshim, as well as Torahs from the Ramban, the Chafetz Chaim, the current Slonimer Rebbe and Rav Avrohom Schorr, to show that the motivation of the Chashmonaim, the neis of Chanukah and the yesod of a true "Yedid Hashem" is yearning for Beis Hamikdash and the Geula Shleima.
You can listen to the shiur online here (watch out for the advertisements over there or download it directly here.
Attention: IF you have tried downloading these wav files in the past and have had problems, try again now. I'm using a different file hosting company. Let me know how it goes.
Update: Here's some useful information from iPod users, who may have had problems with playing these shiurim in their iPods. Thanks Chava & maks!
CHAVA said...
Would love to be able to listen to the shirurim on my ipod. Although I successfully download to itunes, & they appear on ipod list, but will not play! What am I doing wrong? Can aynbody HELP?
December 5, 2007 9:39 AM
maks said...
Chava,I had the same exact problem with all the Rav Yerachmiel shiurim. I'm sure there are multiple ways to fix this, but one way I used was in iTunes, right click on the shiur and select "Convert Selection to AAC". It will take a few minutes to convert it and the resulting file will be much bigger than the original, but it will now play in your ipod.Hope that helps!
December 5, 2007 10:42 AM
-Dixie Yid
(Picture courtesy of, and edited by A Simple Jew)
It goes well! No problem at all! Freiliche Chanukah!
Such a wonderful shiur very impressed with how he brings it all together and his ability to find remazim to the yedid concept!
Would love to be able to listen to the shirurim on my ipod. Although I successfully download to itunes, & they appear on ipod list, but will not play! What am I doing wrong? Can aynbody HELP?
I had the same exact problem with all the Rav Yerachmiel shiurim. I'm sure there are multiple ways to fix this, but one way I used was in iTunes, right click on the shiur and select "Convert Selection to AAC". It will take a few minutes to convert it and the resulting file will be much bigger than the original, but it will now play in your ipod.
Hope that helps!
Chava & Mac,
As an iPod-deprived person, I can't relate to your issues, but I'm very happy that y'all clarified that issue, which I didn't even know existed! Thanks!
-Dixie Yid
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