I received the following flyer by e-mail with information on either attending or listening by live teleconference to Wednesday night shiurim in Kabbalah with Rav Itchie Mayer Morgenstern:
For those who are interested in dedicatingh a shiur in the
zechus of a loved one, please contact us at
In addition, Rav Morgenstern, shlit"a, gives a regular lesson
in Eitz Chaim in English, Wednesday evenings at 8:00 PM (1 PM Eastern), in the
Beis Medrash of Toras Chochom. The yeshiva is located at
Ohalei Yosef #4, near the corner of Bar Ilan St.
It's possible to listen to the Shiur through the telephone any
time at 718-906-6401 in the USA, at 208-099-7330 in England
(access number 1-4-50) and in Eretz Yisroel at 03-617-1002
(access numbers 2-4-9)
zechus of a loved one, please contact us at
In addition, Rav Morgenstern, shlit"a, gives a regular lesson
in Eitz Chaim in English, Wednesday evenings at 8:00 PM (1 PM Eastern), in the
Beis Medrash of Toras Chochom. The yeshiva is located at
Ohalei Yosef #4, near the corner of Bar Ilan St.
It's possible to listen to the Shiur through the telephone any
time at 718-906-6401 in the USA, at 208-099-7330 in England
(access number 1-4-50) and in Eretz Yisroel at 03-617-1002
(access numbers 2-4-9)
-Dixie Yid
Please feel free to send comments and questions.
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